
Design for Policy

Design for Policy

Cities face challenges that range from traffic and trash collection to ensuring public safety and reducing food insecurity. That is why they often turn to innovation, a critical tool in solving the most pressing problems more quickly and effectively. As the lead and designer for Mayor’s Ideation Sessions, I brought design, policy, and research together to create a space for public servants and industry experts to discuss innovative solutions in extraordinary ways.


Los angeles, California.

project lead & Researcher

While design helps us break down form and function, understand artifacts, map-out systemic relationships and platforms, policy defines the larger context and purpose by showcasing ethos, values and principles; and research adds dimension to both by providing us the space to examine red tapes through macro and micro lenses, and enabling us to take a step back and evaluate the context, its needs, and a better understanding of the problem. These sessions created the perfect environment for individuals to feel empowered and generate ideas for Los Angeles and Angelenos.


“Our Ideation Sessions have allowed us to reimagine how we bring people together to confront our city’s most pressing challenges. This approach offers another lens through which we view our work, and in doing so helps us innovate and create as we work to build the city of the future.”

Mayor Eric Garcetti